Providing Individual Academic and Career Support


Tailoring our Support To Individual Needs, Focusing on their future happiness and success.


Our mission is to provide academic intervention and support to our most vulnerable youth. We aim to increase academic success in populations that are struggling to stay in school and graduate. Our goal is to support students, families, school systems, and county services, to decrease truancy, increase graduation rates and help students transition from day treatment to homeschool. We serve as a bridge for communication between all community stakeholders involved in these children’s lives.

Our leadership holds a Doctorate in Education and Curriculum, Virginia State Teachers Licensures, Global Career Facilitator Credentials, and we have chosen a vocation to help children in need. With over 30 years of experience in K-12 education, CNES is dedicated to being a part of the support system for struggling students and their families, for the betterment of our community as a whole.

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Increase Graduation Rates, Job Readiness & College Acceptance Rates

We have a personal understanding of the challenges students face and a desire to provide programs that increase graduation rates, job readiness, and college admissions.

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Enhance Career Development & Raise Academic Achievement

We are committed to identifying and implementing educational strategies that increase academic achievement, career development and life skills.

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Prepare Students to Contribute to Their Local Communities

We believe an academic intervention focusing on the whole child, based on the individual needs of the student and their circumstance, is critical to their becoming positive members of their communities.

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Jan Hirtz, Ed.D.
Pam Dunnavant

Both Pam and Jan are certified professional teachers through the Virginia Department of Education and nationally certified Global Career Development Facilitators. Jan has her doctorate in Instruction and Curriculum.


All students served have access to our program RD4WK (Ready for Work). This programs is a progressive career development curriculum that focuses on the vocational and career interests and skills of students. RD4WK's mission is to increase awareness of local opportunities and to connect students interests and skills to a personal career plan. Career Facilitators for RD4WK will serve as a bridge between education and industry in schools ​and the community.

"This program shows students that both their teachers and local employers care about their success and future. This is a wonderful event that every high school should have."


"I never get to see such amazing progress and positive change so quickly. The first time I saw her after she started with CNES, it was like a 180 change, like a different child! No medication or therapy or anything could do what you guys have done with letting her be able to learn and succeed and see the rewards. Having confidence and positive growth has impacted her mood and behavior more than anything else could! Thank you so much for all you do!"


"During my years as CSA Coordinator in Appomattox, we utilized Cardinal’s Nest for academic support for student’s who were experiencing severe truancy, behavior problems in school, avoidance, etc. Appomattox CSA experienced significant success utilizing these services including multiple on time and even early graduation of historically severely truant students, court satisfactory improved attendance for on campus enrolled students, and multiple higher education enrollments following graduation. The difference between Cardinal’s Nest and other services as usual was ultimately the provider’s ability to fully engage the student and their family beyond just academics.

Cardinal’s Nest is effective because of their human connection, follow through, and education experience. During my time in CSA, if we didn’t know what to do, we called in Cardinal’s Nest. They supported our most difficult students, and made significant gains with everyone one of them. We were able to prevent multiple residential placements, private day placements, and kept several kids out of foster care with Cardinal’s Nest’s support. I would encourage you to consider engaging in a vendor agreement or contract with Cardinal’s Nest."


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